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Showing posts from May, 2009

A different kind of Memorial Day

Most Memorial Days, I'm not even home. It's not very often that I get to spend this day with my family. I'm usually in Austin for the Texas State Solo & Ensemble Contest. This year, that event was scheduled for a week later. So what did I do today? Would you believe I slept most of the day? I haven't been feeling well lately, so I decided to sleep in a little bit. Well, a little bit turned into several hours. I didn't get up until 1:00 in the afternoon! We went out for lunch as a family, but I still wasn't feeling well, so when we came back home, I slept another hour before I finally started feeling better. Now I'm ready for the week!

Sunday Night Reflections

Great day today at Solid Rock. Good services this morning and evening. God is still on His throne! I thank God for my beautiful mother. She is truly a woman of God. I can never repay her for her teaching and training in my life. To this day, I can count on her prayers for me. I'm blessed! The girls came to our house at 7:00 this morning to cook breakfast for their mom. French toast, bacon, juice--it was pretty good. Good move, girls! I'm taking a school trip to California this week. I'd rather it be a family trip, but I'll try to make the most of it. Keep me in your prayers! Since I'll be out of the state until next Monday, I won't post for the next week and a half, or maybe two weeks, unless I decide to post from my phone. I may send out a few tweets. If you hit a rough spot this week, remember the three words we talked about tonight: But the LORD...! (Habakkuk 2:20) Have a great week!

Kelli's birthday

Yesterday, Kelli turned 23 years old! It just doesn't seem possible! Kelli was born about seven months after we moved to San Angelo. At the time, I was in graduate school, and working as a substitute teacher. We didn't have health insurance, and we didn't have a lot of money. We lived in a tiny--and I do mean tiny--apartment on the campus of Angelo State University. So it wasn't a very stable time in our lives in terms of finances, but God really pulled through for us. Our financial needs were met, and Kelli's addition to the family was a great blessing. As you can see, she's a beautiful young lady. And she has really improved my prayer life!

Sunday Night Reflections

Today we finished our four-week series called "Do You Believe?" We talked about heaven and hell. It was a good conclusion to our series. I put up a new podcast this week. Check it out on the media player on this page, or subscribe to the monthly sermons on iTunes. Just do a search for Solid Rock Church, or better yet, for Jehu Hernandez. Not a whole lot of people by that name on iTunes. We had an interesting moment during Praise and Worship this morning. You can read about it here . Suffice it to say that it made for the longest intro to a song we've ever had! We're having InterMission this Wednesday at 7:00 PM. I always look forward to that service. As a side benefit, on InterMission days, I have a tradition of having an early supper at Wok and Rice to go over my notes before the service. Looking forward to that! Next Sunday is Mother's Day! We're going to be a part of the One Prayer this summer. Looking forward to it. More info coming soon. Have a great w