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Showing posts from October, 2008

The Big 5-0

Yes, that's right. I'm officially 50 years old! I would rather not spend this day recuperating from surgery, but at least I'm much better than I was last week at this time--fresh out of surgery and still in lots of pain. God has been very good to me. He has blessed me with a great family. I couldn't ask for a better life!

Back on the saddle

Well, not really. It would hurt too much to get on a saddle right now. And I really won't be allowed to return to my regular schedule until next week. But I am finally feeling much better after my surgery. The recuperation is going well, but much too slowly for my taste. I had great plans to catch up on my reading during this week, but I haven't felt good enough to concentrate on reading. I've spent most of my time alternating between being in pain and sleeping. I have watched some tv just because it takes no concentration, but I'm really tired of Sportscenter (never thought I would say that) and of TBN (I've said that before). Also, I never realized how many Amazing Police Video shows there are out there. Thanks for your prayers! I am so ready to get completely well, and get back to a regular schedule.


As many of you know, I'm having surgery tomorrow morning. I know many of you have already been praying. Thank you for that. It'll be day surgery so I expect to be home tomorrow afternoon to start my week-long recuperation (according to the surgeon). Maybe I should ask for prayer for Lillian!

You might be a pastor if...

From H.B. London's blog: You might be a pastor if... ... you find yourself counting heads at a sporting event. ... you would rather talk to people with every eye closed and every head bowed. ... you had a dream that while you were speaking no one was listening, and then you realized it wasn’t a dream. ... you have a difficult time explaining to your kids just exactly what a pastor does. ... you're leading the church into the 21st century, but you don't know what you're preaching on Sunday. ... you've ever wanted to "lay hands" around a deacon's neck. So how about it? Can anybody out there add something to this list? I'll go first. You might be a pastor if you alliterate your grocery list: bread, butter, baloney. (I stole that from a cartoon I once saw in a preaching journal.)

Sunday Night Reflections

Awe: an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like: in awe of God. That's what we felt tonight in our Evening Service. I don't have the words to express what happened without weeping again. Awe. Lunch today was great! Thank you, Solid Rock, for a great Pastor's Day meal. I've read every one of the cards you gave me, along with all the personal comments. The gifts I received are very much appreciated. I just can't thank you enough. The fruit basket was a great idea! Bernice, thank you for organizing everything, and doing it so well. You are all loved by me! Have a great week! Don't miss small groups this week.

Book recommendations

Here are two books on prayer that have challenged and helped me: Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire , by Jim Cymbala, Senior Pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle. I read this book several years ago, and it's still working on me. Few books have challenged me, convicted me, and excited me like this one. I've got a stack of books that I'm planning to read, but they will have to wait because I'm going to re-read Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire first. The Power of Crying Out , by Bill Gothard. This book surprised me. I've been to Bill Gothard's Ministers Seminars before, and I never expected him to write a book about crying out to God. I was taught to pray with intensity from my childhood, so I enjoyed reading something that lines up with my experience. I once heard a sermon by Joseph Stowell, former President of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, in which he also spoke about the benefits of learning to cry out to God.


Over the last couple of months, I've had a strong sense that God is calling us to a renewed time of intense prayer. I've seen several things happen in our society in general, and in certain families in particular, that have confirmed the fact that Satan is increasing his activity. It's time to pray! Intercede for our country, intercede for our church families, intercede for your children--cry out to God! The good news is that God is in control. Let's turn to him today.

Sunday Night Reflections

There's no doubt that our Praise and Worship team has gotten better since Jeremy began playing with us. He's the latest, albeit temporary, addition to some really great musicians. Now, if we could just get that keyboardist to keep up! Solid Rock Church, can I ask you to pray every day this week for God to show you who to invite to our current series? Jesus called us to watch and pray. Let's stay alert to those in need and pray for God to give us an open door to invite them to church this coming weekend. Had some great fellowship during lunch today and again after the evening service. Sundays are just great! Some Sundays, I come home really tired after the Evening Service. Today is one of those Sundays. I wish I could sleep for a week! Have a great week! I'm praying for you!


Thank God it's Sunday! It's still dark outside, but I can tell it's going to be a great day. Sure, it looks cloudy, and I think I felt a few rain drops as I was walking into the church building, but I'm referring to it being the Lord's Day. Gotta love it!

My week

This has been a very stressful week so far. It just seems that several important deadlines converged at the same time along with several obstacles to meeting these deadlines. Sometimes it feels like there is not enough time in the day to get everything done. Getting up at 5:30 helps a little; I really don't want to back up to 5:00! To borrow a quote from Steve Farrar, I feel like I need a starter's pistol instead of an alarm clock to start my day. The one thing I can say is that God has really strengthened me throughout this hectic week. Thank God I don't have to handle life by myself!

Sunday Night Reflections

Had two great services today! This morning's service was a great opportunity to let people know that their loneliness doesn't have to overwhelm them. I was impressed by how many people were transparent enough to say, "Yeah, I struggle with loneliness". Remember that God's greatest desire is to have an intimate connection with us. We don't have to "learn to be lonely". Tonight's service was very sobering for me. We watched a message that John McArthur preached at a 2007 National Day of Prayer service in Colorado Springs in which he explains from scripture how God abandons nations that reject Him to their own devices. Sadly, I agree with him that America seems to be in that exact position. May God have mercy on us. This is truly a urgent time of prayer for our country. I have to brag on Ryan a little more tonight. He won his race at the Robert Lee Cross Country meet yesterday. Not only did he win, but he was so far ahead of everyone else, that whe

Friday nights

Friday nights are great, aren't they? Our family enjoys going out to eat almost every Friday night, and tonight was no exception. We celebrated Raymond's birthday at Zookini's, and had a wonderful time. Afterward, we went to see my mom at the hospital and had so much fun just talking and laughing that as we were leaving, the nurse was walking into my mom's room just shaking his head. I think he was getting ready to run us out. Incidentally, my mom is doing very well. She's feeling better every day. She should be going home soon, maybe tomorrow! Thanks for all your prayers for her. All in all, it was a great evening. TGFF. (Thank God for Fridays)


No form of loneliness is too overwhelming. That's the topic for week two of our current series, Nothing's too hard for God . It'll be a great opportunity to invite a friend, so don't come alone.