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Showing posts from November, 2008

Top 10 Christmas Shopping Mistakes

Today is Black Friday. That means the Christmas shopping season is now in full swing. Dave Ramsey offers this warning in his latest newsletter: We’ve all paid “stupid tax”—making costly decisions with zeros on the end. A lot of those decisions happen when we’re caught up in the emotion of the Christmas season and procrastinate a little too long. Make this year different! Here are the top 10 Christmas shopping mistakes and how you can act differently: Not prioritizing. Instead of getting stressed out with all the parties, baking and shopping, in addition to your normal daily life, set some priorities before you’re bombarded with a million requests. Think about which things are “must do” and which are “would be nic

Happy Thanksgiving!

Some things I'm very thankful for: My family--I have a wonderful wife and four awesome children Solid Rock Church--I'm privileged to be the pastor of this great church My health--I've had 50 years of excellent health But mostly I'm thankful for a forgiving God who loves me and blesses me continously!

Sunday Night Reflections

Today was another great Sunday! We had two great services. Tonight we said goodbye to Jeremy as he prepares to graduate and return home for a few weeks before reporting to his next duty station. We wish him the best. He will be missed. I continue to be amazed at the talent of our lead guitarist (Ricky) and our sax player (Mac). These guys are awesome. We're truly blessed to have them play such a big role in our praise team. Lillian and Bethany are away for a few days. They are in Dallas for a teacher conference. From what I've heard, they're already having a good time. I hope they learn a few things! Over the next few days, I'll have some extra time to catch up on my reading. Can't wait! Have a great week and a Happy Thanksgiving!


It's Friday! That means Sunday is close behind. I'm really looking forward to our Thanksgiving service this Sunday morning. It's gonna be good!

Max Torres with Jesus

Just got this shocking news from my wife minutes ago. A true man of God, Max Torres died as a result of a motorcycle accident last night. A friend of his has some information on his blog . Pray for Max's wife, Dahlia, and their children.

Sunday Night Reflections

Today was the last Sunday of our fall campaign. I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed preparing and preaching each sermon in the series. (Actually, there was one week I didn't preach, the Sunday after my surgery. Lennon Noland stepped in and did an outstanding job.) Some of the topics really challenged me, but I learned a lot in my preparation. I pray we never forget that life is never hopeless because nothing's too hard for God. Tonight's service was great! I enjoyed just taking our time singing and worshiping God. I've been wanting to do this for a while now, but it was during my recovery time, as I spent lots of time on my recliner, that I decided it was time for us to have a praise and worship service. God really moved tonight! I'm sure we'll do it again soon. I had a good doctor's report Friday. Everything is healing the way it should. I'll just have to put up with some slight pain and soreness for a few weeks. I can't complain--God'

It's hard to believe...

...that we are almost at the end of our current series, Nothing's Too Hard for God . I think it's been a really good reminder that although life is sometimes hard, it's never hopeless. Tomorrow we conclude the series talking about something that often makes people feel overwhelmed and hopeless--addictions. It's going to be good, so don't miss it.

Sunday Night Reflections

Today was the first time for me to preach two services since before my surgery. I felt pretty good, although I got a little more tired for the evening service. Still, I'm excited to be feeling so well. I'll be jogging again in no time! I mentioned the Judith Viorst book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day in my sermon this morning. Bethany reminded me that she had a post similar to the book. So here's the link . We pretty much stretched out my 50th birthday celebration for over a week, but I think it's time to put it to rest. Hey, you're only 50 once! We are drawing close to the end of our fall campaign. I'm really excited about how well things have gone, from the Sunday services to the small groups. Let's pray that we'll see long-term results. Here's a link to the video we saw in tonight's service. I don't know how much longer the video will be posted, but it's worth watching again. Have a great week! Don't

Sunday Night Reflections

It was great being back at church today! I really did not enjoy staying home last Sunday, even though I didn't really have a choice, being that it was way too soon after my surgery for me to get out. I felt pretty good today, but tomorrow will be the real test for me. Keep me in prayer. Thank you for the "surprise" birthday party! Like I said, I really was surprised, albeit earlier than you intended. Your cards and gifts meant a whole lot to me. Thank you for your love and concern. We're getting close to the end of our Nothing's Too Hard for God campaign. Let me encourage you to finish strong. Stay plugged in to your small groups, and don't miss any Sunday services for the rest of the series. Thank God for the time change this weekend. This is the good one! I'd rather fall back than spring forward. I pray you'll all have a great week!