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Showing posts from August, 2007

Baby, Baby

Edward Welch won't be at the Men's Prayer Group meeting tomorrow morning, but we can't say we blame him. His wife just had a baby this morning. Adyson came into this world at 8:10 AM, and the Welch household will never be the same again. Congratulations Theresa, Edward, and Hannah! May God's blessings on Adyson be wondrous and plentiful!

Men's Prayer Group

We have a Men's Prayer Group at Solid Rock Church that meets every other Saturday morning at 8:00. Just a few guys getting together to seek God for ourselves, our families, and our church. I know it's early for a Saturday, but it's a chance to prioritize what's really important in our lives. Plus, the early meeting allows us to have the rest of the day free for our families or other activities. We're meeting this Saturday. Hope you guys can join us.

This weekend

The playground has become a battleground. The classroom has become a place where God is reasoned away. There is a fierce battle for the souls of our children and young people. That's why we will pray for all the students and teachers who are returning to school or have already returned to school for the 07-08 school year. Bring your children to Solid Rock Church this Sunday, August 26th at 10:30 AM. It's time to fight back!

Rethinking Jesus

This past Sunday night, in our Evening Service, we watched a video of a message by Ben Young titled Rethinking Jesus . Ben Young is from Houston but he gave this talk at Fellowship Church last month. I was there that weekend, and was so impressed with the message that I bought the DVD along with a book he wrote titled Why Mike's Not a Christian . In this book, Ben Young gives excellent responses to the excuses some people give for why they are not Christians: It’s true for you, but not for me All Christians are hypocrites Evolution is true The Bible is full of myths All paths lead to God, not just one Ben Young is an excellent apologist who is able to speak at a level that most of us can understand. I highly recommend this book. So getting back to Rethinking Jesus , we are going to watch part two of his talk this coming Sunday evening, August 19th. Don't miss it!

For Men Only

That's right! We're having a CCN satellite seminar for men only this Thursday, August 16th at Solid Rock Church. For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to Understanding Women will give us men the answers we're looking for. What I can't understand is why it's only one hour long! I'll see you guys this Thursday at 6:30 PM.

General Council, National Youth Convention, and Fine Arts Festival

What a week it's been! Joey and I arrived in Indianapolis Tuesday afternoon, and we've been busy every since. I've spent two days judging the Female Vocal Solo category at the National Fine Arts Festival. Joey performed his song yesterday afternoon and received a Superior Rating. I'm very proud of him! The best two things about his trip have been the time that Joey and I are spending together and the evening services. Joey goes to the National Youth Convention service and I go to the General Council service. Tonight's General Council service was awesome! If you get a chance, watch the last General Council service Friday night beginning at 6:00 PM on INSP, channel 21. Tomorrow, we should know who the next General Superintendent will be. I heard from a friend who has been in the business meetings that it looks like it will be either George Wood or Alton Garrison. We'll soon find out. There are about 30,000 people here for these three events. It's been a very e

And a good time was had by all!

One of the great things about being a part of a church is the great times of fellowship we enjoy. This is a group from Solid Rock Church at a local sandwich shop in San Angelo after a Sunday night service.

The Gift of Repentance

We normally think of repentance only as an action taken by man. It certainly is that, but in Acts 5:31, Peter presents it as a gift from God. God gives us the opportunity to repent. He has created the favorable conditions to allow for this repentance to take place. What repentance is not Repentance is not merely remorse. Remorse is the distress that is felt from a sense of guilt. It is regret but nothing more. Judas felt remorse for his sin but he never repented. Repentance is not doing penance for our sins in an attempt to “balance the books”. What repentance is Basically, repentance means to change our mind, or to change direction. Repentance involves a radical change of mind about God. Instead of being indifferent toward Him or rebelling against Him, the person who repents understands His love. Repentance involves a change of mind about self. Self is no longer on the throne. Man no longer thinks about how to gratify the desires of the flesh. Instead, God is seen as the