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Showing posts from October, 2007

Teen Challenge

This Sunday evening, we're having a group of young men at our church from the Teen Challenge of the Permian Basin . For those of you who have never heard of Teen Challenge, you can find information here . Basically, Teen Challenge was founded by David Wilkerson after he went to New York City in the late 1950s to minister to the youth of that city. The story of the beginning of Teen Challenge is told in the book " The Cross and the Switchblade ". We've had a group from the Teen Challenge of the Permian Basin a couple of times before, and we've always had wonderful services. They will be singing and sharing their stories of how God has delivered them from substance abuse. If you know someone who would benefit from hearing these stories and receiving prayer, invite them to the service. Sunday night, November 4th, 6:00 PM at Solid Rock Church.

Prayer request

This prayer request was presented at our Sunday Evening service tonight. It is a tragic situation. Please pray for the young man and his family. The young man's father is a pastor.

Weekend getaway

Lillian and I had a great weekend this past weekend, thanks in part to our wonderful church family. We got away for the weekend and did a little shopping, a lot of resting, and a lot of reminiscing. It's amazing what physical, mental, and emotional rest does to our perspective. So we got some much-needed rest, and Solid Rock got to hear someone else preach this past weekend. I heard Araceli did a great job! Looks like everybody won!


I love Sundays for many reasons. Mostly, I love the opportunity to go to church and worship with my church family. I am a firm believer in getting to bed at a decent hour on Saturday night so that we are not sluggish, sleepy, and distracted on Sunday morning. I think we reveal how important the Day of the Lord is to us by what time we get to bed on Saturday night. Parents, let me encourage you to get all the kids' clothes laid out on Saturday night, get them to bed early, and get yourself to bed early as well, so that Sunday can be a great day for your entire family. It's no fun getting up late on Sunday morning, yelling at the kids to get ready, and arriving late to church, frustrated with our kids and with ourselves. I think the key to having a great Sunday is getting prepared for it on Saturday. Have a great Sunday!

Women's Conference

Our church is hosting a women's conference this weekend. It's actually a Beth Moore retreat on video, so it promises to be really good. Our ladies have done a great job preparing for the weekend--I'm excited for them and for all the ladies who will attend. Good teaching, good fellowship, good food, good door prizes--it's going to be a great weekend!